Cutting Edge Technology

How to Handle a Dental Emergency

Published on December 31st, 2018

Unfortunately, like most other accidents, dental emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime. While nearly all dental emergencies are nowhere close to the severity level of a medical emergency, they still require immediate and effective attention. The Dental Specialists of South Loop know how to handle everything from a cracked tooth in Chicago to a total knockout, and these are their recommended responses.

Keep a Level Head

First thing’s first: it’s important to remember to stay calm and assess the situation with a clear mind, but we understand this is easier said than done. Try to evaluate the situation and determine exactly what happened. Once you figure out the issue at hand, you can move forward with solutions.

Crack or Chip

Depending on how serious the crack is, it’s possible you’ll need a filling, crown, or implant to fix it. That being said, if you aren’t in pain, you have some time. Sensitivity should subside after a couple of hours. Regardless, you should still make an appointment with your dentist within the next few days for your cracked tooth in Chicago.


A total knockout is never ideal, but if your tooth seems like it can be saved, you’ll need to take immediate action to store it. Pick it up by the top of the tooth, as touching the root can damage tissue that’s necessary for reimplantation. If you can, carefully place the tooth back in the socket. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so, opting for a tooth preservation kit or milk works just fine too.

If you’ve found yourself with a cracked tooth in Chicago, we have you covered. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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850 South Wabash, Suite 240
Chicago, IL 60605
