The misfortune of a dental abscess can present in a variety of symptoms, including sensitivity to hot and cold, a foul taste in the mouth, fever, and difficulty swallowing. Most commonly, the primary symptom is intense pain; this sensation may radiate towards the ear, jawbone, and even down to your neck. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have one of three common types of dental abscesses, and should seek professional help immediately. Fortunately, this is a condition our endodontist near downtown Chicago can address.
Periapical Abscess
This is the most common type of abscess. A periapical abscess develops because a crack or tooth decay has exposed the tooth’s sensitive interior tissues to dangerous bacteria. The resulting infection then spreads down to the root of the tooth, where it ultimately results in a painful pocket of pus near the tip. A root canal is often the best course of action for resolving this condition.
Gingival Abscess
Swelling, bleeding, or reddened gums may signify a gingival abscess. This type of abscess, also called a gum abscess, is the result of bacteria slipping below the gum due to contact with foreign bodies or food. Treatment may include draining pus through an incision in the gum and specialized cleaning procedures. In advanced cases, x-rays and a root canal may also be necessary.
Periodontal Abscess
Like a gingival abscess, a periodontal abscess affects the gums. This type of abscess impacts the gum tissue on a deeper level and frequently is accompanied by one or more periodontal pockets. In many cases, periodontal abscesses are complications of more widespread gum disease. Depending on the severity of the abscess, treatment may include a thorough root canal or even extraction.
It’s important to keep in mind that the earlier you detect these symptoms and seek help, the easier the condition will be to treat. If you’re concerned you may be dealing with a dental abscess, please reach out for an appointment with our endodontist near downtown Chicago.